Resources for learning Swedish

For the last couple of years I am trying to learn Swedish. Unfortunately the opportunities to practice talking Swedish in real life is hard to come by, which is the best or maybe quickest way to learn a language. Still, there are alot of good resources online that help you get a feel for the Swedish language.

Peter SFI

Peter might be the best lecturer on Swedish online. He publishes videos frequently and has a huge library of lectures. They are easy to understand and consize. His Youtube channel is called Peter SFI. SFI stands for Svenksa För Invandrare (Swedish for immigrants).

A morning show

Nyhetsmorgonen is a morning show that discusses the daily news and other topics. It is interesting to try to follow along with the fairly easy going conversations. Clips can be found on their youtube channel.

The news in easy Swedish

A good way to practice Swedish is listening or reading news in easy Swedish or nyheter på lätt Svenska. You can watch it directly from the national broadcaster SVT on their SVT Play platform or you can try searching for a broadcast on Youtube. If you prefer a radio broadcast you can try Radio Sweden på lätt Svenska, which is also available as a podcast. For easy reading you should try 8sidor.


Duolingo provides a way to practice Swedish for free, although it is loaded with ads and constantly begs you to sign up for a paid version. This was not the case a couple of years ago. It is however still a fun way to practice a language in an engaging gamified kind of way. The regular website allows you to use your regular keyboard, and is less bloated with ads.

Google Translate extension

Google Translate might not be the best way to translate your text, because it always tries to create coherent sentences even if your input does not make sense or contains mistakes. Despite that downside, I found a browser extension that enable you to use Google Translate directly on a selected word on a website very convenient. Firefox has such an extension and Chrome too.